"Mom, this thing is ancient."
Ancient? Um, no, son, it's not "ancient." It was actually a wedding gift ... in 1993.
That makes it old enough to buy me a beer.
If it were a person ... who had beer money.
Anyway, my son excavated the relic out of the top kitchen cabinet for me after I mentioned in passing that I can just make milkshakes at home when he craves a cool summer treat (as opposed to the snow cone maker he was insisting we purchase).
"How long have you known how to make milkshakes, Mom?"
"Um, since forever."
He was shocked and disappointed. I dunno. Milkshakes are relatively cheap (clean and easy) to pick up in the drive-thru nowadays, so I just kind of never really thought to make them at home.
So I picked up the necessities (frozen yogurt, chocolate syrup and skim milk - no need to make this fattening) and put the prehistoric blender back in business.
Bend-y straw = required |
Yum. The perfect summer indulgence.
Jax likes a scoop of vanilla fro-yo. More please. |
The calendar tells us Saturday is the official beginning of summer, but it's been in full swing here for a couple of weeks now.
Except, not really.
School's been out two weeks (thanks, snow days, for the late ending to the school year), but my son has been taking a driver's ed class daily (he has his learner's permit!) at school, and an online health class to make room in his schedule for something more interesting during the school year. That means he's been getting up early, spending part of the day at school and doing homework at night.
Homework. In June.
The thing is, the new school year starts next month.
School. In July.
In between, he has to get in a stay-cation with his dad and me, a trip to the beach with friends, golf, swimming, late-night video game parties, sleeping in, matinee movies, drive-in movies, reading the stack of books he has set aside, band practice, band camp, more band practice, and just hanging out with friends.
Somehow I think he'll manage to get it all in. Kids are motivated like that.
I work year round and so my leisurely summer days are very limited. Still, much like my son, I'll try to get in as much enjoyment as I can. My kind of fun revolves around gardening, daydreaming about autumn and avoiding bugs, the sun and excessive sweat.
I'm not a summer girl.
But I do like the long days that begin before I wake and stretch streaky pink-purple and glowing orange well into the evening hours when I would otherwise be sporting PJs.
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And flowers in bloom.
And sitting on my patio.
And fresh tomatoes. And sweet corn. And a burger from the grill. And red, white and blue bunting draped across porches. And fireflies twinkling in the field across from our house.
And date nights with my husband, holding hands, walking downtown in the evening after dinner.
And homemade chocolate shakes.
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