
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Late November

Is your Christmas tree up yet? 

Wait, don't tell me. I know it is and I'm jelly.

[My niece uses "jelly" in her Facebook posts and I think it means jealous, but I'm not sure. That's what I mean - jealous - but if I got it wrong and "jelly" is literal, it's still applicable. After the way I have eaten the last two days, I am jelly in a gelatin-like sense too.]

Anyway, my trees are not up yet. I can't remember the last time we said good-bye to sweet November in this house and not had a Christmas tree (or three) up. There's just been no time. The last few days have been packed with family, fun, friends.

And that's ok. I'm so thankful for all those wonderful people in my life and the good times we've had over this little holiday break, I just haven't had time to rush into prepping for the next season. Oh sure, I've listened to cheery holiday music while hitting the stores with my girlfriends to do lunch and some Christmas shopping. Even my husband and I had a before-sunrise Black Friday shopping date. [By the way, he kicked Black Friday in the tail feathers, my friends, with his keen bargain-hunting skills. Who knew?]

I am definitely in a Christmas frame of mind, even if there's still corn on my door and pumpkins on my porch. Soon - the next couple of days - there will be ribbon, lights and wreaths adorning our little cottage. But today, we will send November into the memory book with the glowing remnants of autumn.

November is, after all, the middle child of the memorable trio of months that close out the year. She's not the alluring mischief maker like elder October or the gloriously adored darling that is December. She shrinks from the spotlight, overshadowed by those surrounding her.

But November is beautiful in her own way, without sparkle or magic. She brings us thanks amid chaos; serves up transition as the seasons shift again; trades tradition as history. November offers a holiday centered around gratitude.

So I end this November on a thankful note, glad for all the goodness around me and the hope of the season to come.

I wish the same to you!

1 comment:

  1. Same thing happened to me. I was so behind with getting Christmas décor out. I still had the pumpkins and scarecrow on the porch and decided to at least hang the wreath on the door. Awkward!
