
Thursday, November 14, 2013


"Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more," - H. Jackson Brown.

It's the season of giving thanks and my heart is full, dear friends.

And my yard is full ... of leaves.

Mother Nature? She's a giver too.

From here ...
... to here, in less than 24 hours.

Leaf raking aside, we really should take time to be grateful for the blessings of our lives - friends, family, pets, home, church, talents, careers, school, maples trees - all the things, big and small, that provide us with joy, comfort and happiness.

It would be great to reflect on these things all year long and give a shout-out as they occur, but life tends to buzz about and redirect our thoughts and actions to practical matters. We get caught up in just getting by and time jets on.

November to the rescue!

This is the month when we tend to pause to ponder the gifts we've received over the year. Moreover, I personally tend to reflect on ways I can be a gift to others. What do I have to give - time, talent and treasure - to the world (or at least the things I care about within it) so it is a better place? 

Choosing where and how to give can be overwhelming. If you've felt that tug, that call to service, then you know it's important to steer your passion in the right direction. A bad fit can leave you uninterested, feeling unappreciated or taken for granted. Resentment sets in and no one benefits from that.

Plus it's important to avoid overextending yourself. For example, if you cannot commit treasure - you know, real paper money - then limit your financial stewardship to what really resonates with you. And tell everybody else no.

When you do find something - a cause, a charity, a life in need - that speaks to your heart, then giving of yourself is its own reward. It's a great feeling, like falling in love ...

... the kind of love that has possible tax benefits ...

So as we head toward Thanksgiving (and immediately slam into Christmas), please remember:

Count your blessings and be a blessing.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves the cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7.

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