
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween!

It is a dark and stormy afternoon at my house ... no, really. There's stormy weather moving through. The rain is blasting and the wind is howling. Leaves are falling like orange- and red-hued snowflakes.

Hoping my chimes make it though the afternoon.
I've had the day off and have spent it with my husband dining, running errands and napping. We were curled up on the couch a few minutes ago watching a terrible 1968 movie, Dracula Has Risen from the Grave, on TCM. It's not scary at all and the acting is just ridiculous ... save for Dracula himself, the mighty Christopher Lee. I am unable to resist him.

Outdoor trick-or-treating would be hazardous in this weather and what's predicted to come this evening, and that would be a real bummer for the kids; they get so very excited about their costumes. Happily, our county switched the official trick-or-treating from the 31st to to last night, the 30th, in anticipation of the rough Halloween ahead.

Good thinking.
Except I totally wasn't ready.

That meant this witch had to grab her broom and start working some Halloween magic.

Yes, that's me. Yes, it's a costume.

Halloween is a big deal at our house. For the last six years or so, we have set up a fun - not gory, not scary - display in our side yard that faces back into the rest of the neighborhood. My husband made "tombstones" and sets up a graveyard scene, complete with arched "entrance." It's a simple set up - put together on Halloween and taken down that night as soon as the last candy-grabber leaves - but it really draws in the kids.

By the way: My husband? Awesome.

My girlfriends and I dress up as witches and then cackle and beckon trick-or-treaters to join us at our cauldrons (full of candy) for treats ... and jokes, songs and laughter.

Me and my witchy "sisters" from last night. Short notice meant our numbers were down, as other witchy friends couldn't change their schedules to accommodate the trick-or-treating change. Still, we brought the scary.

It's a fun tradition and every year our neighbors tell us how much they love it. The children love it and the parents do too. I am photographed repeatedly with kids: "Let's get your picture with the witches," and parents pose their kids in our yard for photos too.

All in all, we probably treated about 200 kids last night. That's down from previous years, but still about 35+ pounds of candy.

And countless memories.

We also host a potluck for those who don't care to witch with us, and so there are a few festive embellishments inside the house as well.

With little time to clean, there are some pretty authentic cobwebs happening in this house.

I am so glad that my son, a freshman in high school, and many of his friends still get in the spirit. My rules about older kids trick-or-treating are: 1. Wear a costume (a teenage boy pushing 6' 1" with a deep voice and no costume is not trick-or-treating - he's trespassing, as far as I'm concerned); 2. Be polite; and 3. No pranks (falls under rule 2, but worth mentioning).

As Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory.

And so with another most excellent Halloween celebration in the history books, we will spend the actual Halloween evening relaxing, eating leftovers (and candy) and perhaps catching a creepy flick with some special effects directly from Mother Nature rumbling about outside.

I wish you a most magical night!

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