
Thursday, October 3, 2013


I need new shoes.

Normally, that sort of revelation gets me excited because that means I have a legit reason to go shoe shopping. (I often have un-legit reasons, like "I'm bored. Pretty color. BOGO.") 

Shoe shopping inspires puppy-like enthusiasm in me. If I had a tail, it would wag and I would turn circles at the front door at the prospect of going bye-bye … I mean, shoe shopping.

But not this time.

My legit reason for this purchase is so I have a comfy pair of shoes for a scheduled vacation next week during my son's fall break. We plan to do a lot of sight-seeing on this trip and I need something practical for walking. Something boring. I hate to spend our limited resources on a utilitarian purchase when what I want are super cool boots. 

It's disappointing.

Resigned to this chore, I dropped my son off at taekwondo Monday night and headed to a retail area.  My hopes were to avoid athletic shoes and maybe score some not-horrible loafers. My first stop was an outdoor sporting goods retailer - not exactly a bastion of girlie shoe delights - but certainly of the practical nature I was seeking. 

A less-than-helpful clerk tossed a box of loafers at me and then promptly disappeared. As in, the shoe department was empty. No customers, no staff. She just … left


Seriously - it's a cricket chirp that's piped in over the sound system to go with the whole outdoors-y feel of the place. So yes, I heard crickets, but, "May I check to see if these come in a wide size?" Not so much. So, disappointed, I left and hit the mall.

While making my way through the mall, the kiosk dwellers started pitching their products and services. "Hey lady, you like?" offered the creepy elder man with the creepier massage chair.

No. I no like. 

Moving on, a hipster with a fake cigarette steps in front of me: "You smoke? 'Cause these e-cigs are crazy."

"No, I don't smoke."

"Well, you should try these e-cigs. They are …"

"Wait - are you actually suggesting I take up smoking?"

Pauses for a moment and then leans in, "They ain't real."

As I continued, I also declined a pet hermit crab whose shell could be painted to my liking, and spied several expletive-embellished t-shirts hanging just inside another retailer.

And so finally, I made it to a shoe store and tried on these sexy girls. 

Yoga pants + try-on nylons + Mary Janes = hot.

It was time to pick my son up from taekwondo and so, feeling rushed, I went ahead and bought these shoes. I have to admit, I was immediately disappointed in my purchase, feeling like there might be something better out there. 

That was Monday night. Early the next morning, the federal government shut down. That's disappointing on many levels. I'll spare you a rant about the situation.

But that family vacation we planned over fall break? Yep, it was to Washington DC. 

Those sights we planned to see in practical footwear? All closed.

While it's true we are disappointed, we are also working on a plan B. Because the thing is, no matter what plans we make (or break) or where we decide to go (or not go), we will spend time together as a family. 

And that is not disappointing at all.

Though I still think my shoe selection is a bummer.

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